Make money from your receipts

Did you know that you can make money from your receipts? There are several ways to earn from your receipts, which we will look in to in more detail below.
Scan your receipts and earn vouchers
Use apps to scan your receipts and be rewarded with points. You can then redeem your points for gift vouchers, or cash them in via PayPal. The best receipt scanning apps to look for are Shoppix, HuYu, Storewards and ZipZero.
Grocery cashback apps
There are also several established grocery cashback apps that will reimburse you some (or all) of the purchase price of a specific grocery product. Buy the product, scan your receipt using the app and wait for the refund to be approved (usually a day or two). This is a great way of trying new grocery products and making money from your receipts. In fact, we have saved over £1000 using the apps below to scan our receipts over the last few years, and we don’t claim every offer!
These are the apps to get:
CheckoutSmart (no minimum cash out, but wait until you have £20 to claim to avoid a 5% fee)
GreenJinn (minimum cash out £1.50)
Shopmium* (no minimum cash out – automatically refunded via PayPal for each claim you make) – claim a free can of Pringles when you join!
Quidco ClickSnap (cash out via your Quidco* account (get £5 free when you join!)
Tip: Quidco ClickSnap is operated by CheckoutSmart, so don’t use the same receipt in each app. To claim twice, buy the product twice on separate receipts, and submit one claim in each of these two apps.
Tips when using cashback apps
- Pay attention to the exact product you need to buy (some apps include a barcode scanner so you can scan the item to check).
- Be sure to check the validity dates of the offers.
- Carefully check the eligible stores when buying a product.
- Make sure to request a receipt if using a self-service checkout.
- Make a habit of claiming your cashback in the apps once you’ve unpacked your shopping.
- Keep your receipt safe until your cashback claim has been approved.
The Wombles were made famous in a fictional children’s TV show and were renowned for tidying up Wimbledon Common. Wombling is the term used to describe the act of picking up other people’s discarded receipts and using them to claim points and cashback. You can also use “wombled” receipts to claim loyalty points. Bear in mind that the retailer may not strictly allow this – so do this at your own risk, and don’t try and claim a big handful of receipts at once!
*This post contains affiliate links. If you click one of these links and sign up to a service or purchase a product, we may earn a small commission, at no additional cost to you. Thanks for supporting Fun, Free and Frugal.
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