Save money by having fun at home

Everyone deserves to enjoy themselves at home on a budget. It doesn’t mean that you have to spend a fortune on entertainment, fun and laughing. There are plenty of ways to save money by having fun at home, and we’re going to show you how.
Invite some friends over
Instead of meeting friends at a coffee shop or cafe, why not invite them over to your place and catch up there instead? If you have an outside space and the weather is good – great! But otherwise a cozy corner inside also works. Having friends or family to visit you for a catch up is a win-win, especially as you will save money both on travel and on paying for refreshments while you are out. If you ask several friends over, you could also ask them to bring something nice with them – such as a small cake or some biscuits, while you provide the venue, tea and coffee. Of course if you prefer, you can upgrade your gathering to a few glasses of bubbly, a couple of beers or a glass or two of wine. Just remember to drink responsibly!
Perhaps your friends can’t physically join you, but there are other nice things that you can do with your friends, and they don’t necessarily involve being together in the same room!
Keeping children entertained
Keeping kids occupied while you are at home can be a bit more challenging, especially if they have lots of energy! If you have a garden, try and organise some kind of activity outside. Perhaps a game, treasure hunt or mini-version of a sport would be good. This has the extra benefit of fresh air and exercise through movement. If an outside activity is not possible, how about something creative indoors. Why not try baking – you could make these healthy protein brownies. Or how about, making a model, building with Lego, painting or drawing? Or if the kids are a little older, perhaps a board game could be a good option. There are several hobbies for children that you can look in to as well.
Free movies
Check with your local library about whether they have films for rental. You may be able to borrow DVDs cheaply, and some local councils also offer free use of streaming sites such as Kanopy. Check the libraries section of your local council website, or check in person next time you pass the library to see what your Council offers.
If you enjoy gardening, it can certainly be a fun pastime, as well as a rewarding one. Depending on how much space you have, this could be as simple as growing some herbs indoors. But if you have a garden of your own, you can have fun creating your ideal space, and you can even get fit while gardening!
If your home could do with some decorating, why not organise a decorating party? Provide some light refreshments and ask some friends over to help with the preparation, painting and other tasks. It will be lots of fun and they will enjoy helping you out!
Hopefully these ideas will give you some inspiration for some fun and to save money while having fun at home!
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